Over 15 years of working with clients and money, I've seen a lot of messes. Financial messes and relationship messes. Some of them caused by horrific, unimaginable external circumstances, some of them willfully of our own making, and everything in between. One financial guru even jokes, "I've done stupid with 0s on the end of them!" Sometimes these financial messes are fixable, sometimes they can only be lessons upon which to grow.
The beginning of healing with our money relationships begin with accepting that we can't change the past, but we can influence the future. That's why a core foundation in my practice is the establishment of a "judgement free zone". And so sometimes that means we have to forgive the past so that we can embrace the future. Sometimes we need to forgive people - parents who failed to teach us sound money principles, who a spouse who mismanaged the family finances , a business partner who failed to live up to their obligations in the business, doctor who caused a medical injury or a drunk driver who took away a family's livelihood. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves, for all the foolish, "woulda, coulda, shoulda" mistakes that we wish we could have done differently if given a do-over.
Healthy money relationships require healthy emotional and physical relationships. Who or what do you need to forgive today?